Welcome to our Dora the Explorer Fan Site!
We're now mobile friendly! Yes in 2018 we've finally done it. We have been able to maintain the fun and decorative aspects of the site without having it look stale. No compromises! With this new look, our goal now is to push out even more updated content in the coming weeks and months!
I hope you enjoy our Dora Explorer website and that you find it useful. The goal here has been to create a kid friendly layout and design so that they can point at what they like when you're browsing the site. Put another way, I created it in hopes that my children would approve of it. And they have! I don't want this to be just another Dora website with some thin or mediocre content. I hope you can spend some time here and continue to come back for more printables or shopping ideas.
Our family has really seen the magic of Dora the Explorer first hand. Most children at some point will tell you that Dora (and or Diego) is their favorite thing in the world. Think about it. Pretty much every conceivable product, toy or not, can be found with Dora the Explorer. They don't make all these products unless there is a real demand out there from the public. Dora the Explore has passed that point where it can now be considered one of the mainstay programs and is a real classic!
Unlike many cartoons that we grew up with way back when, Dora actually has a legitimate educational element. Some parents could debate the value of learning Spanish, but there is far more education in the program than leaning another language. It seems like the perfect mix of fun and learning because it's not to the point where kids get turned off. As parents, what do we know about such things anyways?
Hopefully the design of the website will encourage your child to point or laugh. Dora can be a way to familiarize your child with the use of a computer as well. Let them point and see what interests them! Never underestimate their abilities to learn fast especially when it comes to technology like computers. Before you know it they will be motioning for you to give them control of the keyboard and mouse!
Since we first launched this website many years ago, technology has changed a lot. The popularity of iPads, iPhones and tablets has opened up an entire new opportunity for kids to enjoy Dora the Explorer. For us it means new and exciting content opportunities. We are talking about games that kids can play on mobile phones, iPads or tablets. Apps featuring Dora are a cheap and fun way to get smiles from your child!
So in the coming weeks and months we will be adding a Dora apps page where we look at and review some of the best apps for iPad, iPhone, Android tablets, and Android smartphones. Stay tuned for that!
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We are working hard to expand our Dora content in 2018 so stay tuned for updates! Here is a current list and detailed overview of our current pages.
Even More Coloring Pages - I've added even more free quality Dora coloring pages for your kids to enjoy! Dora and her friends like Diego, Boots, and Backpack!
Fun Coloring Pages and Printables - find top quality free Dora coloring for your children. Updated often with new printables so keep checking back! Dora coloring will use up are your printer ink so be careful not to let your kids click on the print button!
Backpack - Get Dora backpack coloring pages! Dora backpack toy shopping! Shop online for a quality Dora backpack that your child can take to school.
Wallpaper and Pictures of Dora - If you're like us, then your children have their own computer. Find great free quality Dora pics and wallpaper images. Use them as the desktop background. Let your kids choose Dora pics and you're sure to get big smiles!
Episodes Guide and Where to Watch Online - Looking for a Dora The Explorer episodes to watch online? We list information on various season of Dora and also list the various methods to watch Dora online. If you want to know when you can watch Dora episodes on cable television, we have current listings of air times for the US and Canada..
Songs, Music and Lyrics - Find lyrics and sound clips of the classic and popular theme songs from the show. Teach your child how to say the words and sing along with them! We also look at some of the available Dora music cds as well.
Video Games and Board Games - Let your children learn about using a mouse and keyboard. Free and easy to play online Dora games will keep your child happy for minutes at a time! We also look at Dora console games like Nintendo and classic board games.
Cakes and Dora Birthday Party Ideas - What toddler wouldn't want to have a Dora party! Find all the ideas and products that you will need to create the ultimate birthday party! Free downloadable printables as well for your party.
Toys - Our guide for Dora toy shopping. There are so many different products, we are here to help you find the real winners. We can make shopping easier for you because we've spent years buying Dora stuff for our two daughters! Christmas and birthday shopping made simple.
Videos and Movies - Shopping for a gift for your child? A cheap Dora the Explorer DVD movie is a sure hit. We check out the very best Dora movies that are available on DVD discs.
Bedding and Bed Products - Shop from a big selection of Dora bedding products with our assistance. Believe it or not, but there are also some actual Dora beds on the market and we take a closer look at them. We give you ideas to transform your childs room into a Dora the Explorer bedroom.