Dora Explora - Get Free High Quality Dora Pics!A sure hit for your child is having a Dora Explora theme on your computer! Use our Dora pics for you computer wallpaper! Remember to let you child tell you which one they want to have. It may sound strange, but let this be an introduction into computers for your child. Your computer is an amazing educational source and will be a big part of their life in the future. So no matter the age of your child, they can learn to surf the net!
Keep it simple. Just show them the Dora pics and let them choose one by pointing at it, then apply the image to your computer desktop. It's only a small step, but it's one which may peak there curiosity and interest in computers. Dora Explora is quite an education program so why no implement that into learning about computers. My youngest is only two and she is now internet independent! After many "Daddy help me!" calls, she eventually learned. There is rarely an occasion when she needs my help. There are a few simple steps you can take to keep your computer safe which you can read here. If you don't have two computers yet, at the very least show them a fun Dora Explora wallpaper desktop image. Simple to do, so change it up often and remember to let them point to the one they like! Please enjoy our high quality dora pics. Check back, we update often! Instructions for setting Dora Explora wallpaper background: 1. Simply click on the Dora Explora wallpaper desktop image you would like. 2. When the next page opens, right click on the Dora pics or image and 3. Enjoy your new Dora pics wallpaper background! 4. Choose a Dora pic that your child points to. Get them involved! Create a Dora Explora slideshow. Just download the pics that they like from this page! |
Dora Explora Pics and Wallpapers - Our website provides you with free, top quality Dora pics and images!
We want to be your #1 Dora Explora pics and wallpaper desktop image source!